6 Signs That Your Loved One Has A Drug Addiction Problem

byAlma Abell

It might not be easy to tell if your friend or loved one is suffering from drug addiction. Here are some of the ways you can tell if you’re dealing with substance abuse or not:

Dosage Check

Is the individual taking the drug—like cough syrups, pain medication, or suppressants—in a dosage that’s much higher than the recommended one? That’s never a good sign.

Inability to Stop

The person is unable to stop taking the drug even if he wants to. If he’s unable to control his habit, or if he can’t seem to stop, that’s another sign that your loved one is in trouble, says Drug Abuse.

The Drug Is Everything

If your loved one is more concerned with the thought of getting high, or if he or she is trying to find more money to fund his or her next fix, then that’s a definite red flag and one you shouldn’t neglect.

School and Work Problems

If your loved one is starting to miss out on school or work, or if he’s been skipping his duties and responsibilities, you’ll see the effects of this behavior right away. The person’s grades or performance at the office will suffer, indicating definite signs that a drug problem might be occurring.

Danger and Risks

If people continue using the drugs, despite knowing that they’re putting themselves in danger or that the people around them are at risk because of their violent behavior, then that’s a sign that they are getting too deep into the addiction.

Desired Effects

Some people take drugs to achieve a desired outcome. Some will use a drug to calm their nerves and grow too dependent on its effects until it becomes an addiction. Others find themselves unable to cope with a situation emotionally. Taking drugs makes them feel like they’re in control.

If you see any of these signs, don’t hesitate. Get help. Seek out a Malibu drug addiction treatment center right away.